Designer Surfaces from the Finest Upcycled Woods
All of our hardwoods are sourced from 100 year old structures that are being replaced by new buildings and infrastructure.
Using this wood gives your project authenticity, stunning beauty, high performance and story that your clients can celebrate.
Using this wood creates sustainable economy for the global communities that own this valuable resource.
Using this wood offsets the cutting down and removal of 800 year old, slow gowing hardwoods in the Amazon.
Slatted™ products are for designers who:
Are passionate about specifications that are planet positive.
Commit to materials that are storied, sustainable, and circular.
Use design to create equity and enrich lives, from source to built project.

Our FSC Certified, Upcycled Teak and Ulin honor your desire for beauty and quality, while paying respect to the planet’s remaining old growth forests.
Slatted™ is a wood company like no other. With 20 years experience on the ground in NYC, we’ve seen a lot. We’re good folks to have on your team.
From High Line to Liberty Park, from US embassies to the Battery, we’re proud of our work and of our advocacy for the planet.
We’re excited to connect and add value, expertise, great stories and natural beauty to your project.