Elegant and high performing wood that’s good for the planet.

Slatted ™ Upcycled Teak

All of our Teak is sourced from 100 year old structures that are being replaced by new buildings.
Using this wood gives your project authenticity, stunning beauty and story that your clients can celebrate.
Using this wood creates sustainablity for the global communities that own this valuable resource.
Using this wood offsets the cutting down and removal of 800 year old, slow gowing hardwoods in the Amazon.
Upcycled Teak Decking
Teak is a wood like no other. It’s tonal beauty, stunning grain, and visual interest is legendary. Its stability and graceful aging in harsh conditions is unsurpassed. Slatted sources this magnificent wood from antique structural timbers that have outlasted the buildings they originally occupied. “Progress” replaced these antique wooden structures with steel and concrete buildings. Our upcycled Teak is the precious by-product of progress.
Upcycled Teak Siding & Lumber
Upcycled Teak is a wood like no other. It’s tonal beauty, stunning grain, and visual interest is legendary. Its stability and graceful aging in harsh conditions is unsurpassed. Slatted sources this magnificent wood from antique structural timbers that have outlasted the buildings they originally occupied. “Progress” replaced these antique wooden structures with steel and concrete buildings. Our upcycled Teak is the precious by-product of progress.
Another project avoiding the use of forested, virgin hardwoods. Bravo!

Slatted ™ Upcycled Ulin
Is a high performing, stunningly beautiful, upcycled Southeast Asian hardwood
Is sourced from 100 year old road and bridge infrastructure replaced by modern materials
Gives your project authenticity, stunning beauty and story that your clients appreciate
Creates wealth for the communities that own this valuable resource
Upcycled Ulin Decking
Our Ulin is a high performing, stunningly beautiful, upcycled Southeast Asian hardwood, virtually unknown in the West. Its strength and dimensional stability make it a top performing exterior wood, and its curious tendency to develop a nearly black patina in sunlight is creating excitement throughout the design world. We source this amazing wood from 80 year old road and bridge infrastructure currently being displaced by modern materials.
Specifying Upcycled Ulin helps support the local communities that own this unique wood resource, and enables them to generate wealth from valuable surplus material, offsetting the consumption of their own standing rainforests.
Upcycled Ulin Siding & Lumber
Our Ulin is a high performing, stunningly beautiful, upcycled Southeast Asian hardwood, virtually unknown in the West. Its strength and dimensional stability make it a top performing exterior wood, and its curious tendency to develop a nearly black patina in sunlight is creating excitement throughout the design world. We source this amazing wood from 80 year old road and bridge infrastructure currently being displaced by modern materials.
Specifying Upcycled Ulin helps support the local communities that own this unique wood resource, and enables them to generate wealth from valuable surplus material, offsetting the consumption of their own standing rainforests.